As Canada’s most popular minced meat, ground beef is a foundation for making the wholesome home-cooked meals that Canadians love.

The GROUND BEEF TOOLKIT is your first-ever guide to all things ground beef.

2 ways to get your FREE copy

Practical tools:

– How to buy, store and cook

– Nutrition facts tables for ground beef

– Nutrient claims

Facts and stats:

– Latest consumption stats

– How Canadians shop for and cook ground beef

– Ground beef terms explained: extra lean, lean, medium, regular

Hot topics:

– Beef and sustainability

– Saturated fat

– How plant based alternatives compare

“This resource breaks down the information into straightforward chunks that make it easy to teach and understand.”

Here’s how your peers plan to use the TOOLKIT:

“Many of the resources, charts, graphics, etc. can be used during lectures.”

“I know I’ll refer back to this when I’m either writing a recipe column or a blog post.”

“The information is presented in a simple and easily translatable format for the public.”

The GROUND BEEF TOOLKIT is an ‘all-in-one’ ground beef reference resource for:



Food writers

Food bloggers

Culinary instructors

Food retailers

Food processors

Home Economists

“It tackles an abundance of information that I had thought of, and had questions about, but never looked into.”

2 ways to get your FREE copy


view the flip book or download a pdf.